August 13, 2012

Biology: Mossman (Periods 1,3,5,7)

*The last few weeks.  I apologize for not having our class assignments posted.  I have been very sick and was not able to post  the following are assignments that students should have on their learning log, the assignments should be in order behind the learning log in their binder and the assignments should be complete.
1.  Simpson's Scientific Method
2.  Graphing worksheets (2 pages front and back)
3.  Big Ideas Paper (folded and students should have listed the Big Ideas in Biology in each square.)

Tuesday 8/14/12

1.  GO RACER H notes
2.  GO RACER H foldable lab activity (will be item number 4 to be added to learning log)

Thursday 8/16/12

1.  Mystery Solution Lab Activity
2.  Homework  Student must write a conclusion for the lab.  Due next Monday.
3.  Don't forget Open House tonight!