April 9, 2012

Language Arts- Fisher (Periods 1, 5, 6 & 7)

Monday, April 9
  1. Do Now: Quiz #26: ant, ary/ery/ory, ate, cian, cule/ling, cy, dom
  2. Then: Review Short Story Test items
  3. Reminder: Bring short story materials to class every day!
  • Bring short story materials to class (story map due Thursday/Friday)
Tuesday and Wednesday, April 10 and 11
  1. Do Now: Watch and respond to Batman: Gotham Knight short film
  2. Then: Discuss theme and moral in the short story
  3. After: work on character card (direct and indirect characterization)
  4. Preview: Edison Benchmark next class
Thursday and Friday, April 12 and 13
  1. Do Now: Setup for Edison Benchmark
  2. Then: Edison Benchmark
  3. After: work on character card or short story map and review
  4. Reminder: Check the calendar below often for due dates