March 31, 2012

Language Arts- Fisher (Periods 1, 5, 6 & 7)

Monday and Tuesday, April 2 and 3
  1. Do Now: Quiz #25: able/ible, ade, age, al, algia, an/ian, ance/ancy
  2. (Section 3-Writing about the Big Question and reading new vocabulary on p. 282)
  3. Then: Meeting Ray Bradbury
  4. After: Listen to There Will Come Soft Rains by Ray Bradbury (p.284- 292)
  5. During: Characterization of the house (direct and indirect)
  6. Next: How are the setting and main character the same?
  7. Review: Determine who the main character of your three story ideas will be (bring to next class)
Wednesday and Thursday, April 4 and 5
  1. Do Now: Making Inferences (p. 296-7)
  2. Then: Informational Texts, analyzing Tides by Dr. Joseph Exline and Dr. Jay Pasachoff
  3. During: How does the article use the following: headings, photographs, captions and tables?
  4. After: What natural conflict exists between the forces of the moon and sun?  What is the result of this conflict?
  5. Next: Pont-of view (a.k.a. Perspective)- what perspective will your story be told from? First? Third? (p. 306)
  6. Review: Project Packet for Short Story