March 13, 2012

Language Arts Over the Break (Fisher)

  • If you have received your 3rd Draft of the Research Paper, please begin making revisions.
  • Choose your independent reading book and sign-up using the tab at the top of this page.  The options for written assignments are on the right under 'important documents' or by viewing your Edline account page. 
  • Independent Reading Option 5: This quarter, students will also be given the option of completing 40 Empower3000 articles instead of independent reading.  If it sounds like a challenge, it is!  You must score at least a 75% on your first attempt at the 'Activity' questions.
  • Login to Edline to view, download or print your 3rd Quarter Portfolio checklist.  The portfolio will be checked in class by Friday, March 30.

Research Paper Reminder:
  • You will be given an opportunity to revise your Research Paper, but for credit in the 4th Quarter.  3rd quarter grades must be closed by Thursday, March 22.  Please remember that you must score one of the following grades to fulfill your Research Paper requirement for the year:
Exceeds Proficiency
Meets Proficiency
Approaches Proficiency
Below Proficiency (Proficiency Not Met)

Students and Parents:  Please note that the Research Paper is one of the four major assignments that students must satisfactorily attempt to be considered for passing the Sophomore English course.  A mark of 'mi' for missing or 'inc' for incomplete will not be considered a satisfactory attempt.