January 30, 2012

Fisher- Language Arts (1, 5, 6 & 7)

There will be an unannounced test on the Research Paper skills this week!
Monday, January 30
  1. All classes meet in the Library- Mrs. Arcas to lead classroom activities
  1. Bring print-out of Annotated Bibliography and Proposal to next class
  2. Continue Independent Reading (Due in 3 weeks) click here for writing options
Tuesday and Wednesday, January 31 and February 1
  1. Do Now: Personal Log
  2. After: Quiz #19 
  3. Next: Writing thesis statements
  4. Then: Parenthetical Documentation activity
  • 3 versions of thesis statement due next class
  • Continue researching
Thursday and Friday, February 2 and 3
  1. Do Now: Personal Log
  2. After: MLA Review
  3. Then: Outline Practice
  4. Next: Reminders- Independent Reading, Outline, Updated Annotated Bibliography, Quiz 21