November 14, 2011

Language Arts- Fisher (1, 5, 6 & 7)

Monday, November 14
  1. Do Now: Roots Quiz #13: prim/prime, proto, psych, rupt, sacr/sanc/secr, salv/salu, sat/satis
  2. After: Grammar Review - Principal Parts of Irregular Verbs
  3. Reminder: Continue working on Shakespeare Presentation/Performance 
Tuesday and Wednesday, November 15 and 16
  1. Do Now: Personal Log
  2. Then: Proposal Writing- Group by presentation/performance type
  3. Next: Set up Learning Log for The Tempest Act III
  4. After: Continue viewing/reading The Tempest Act III
  5. Review: Conclude Proposal Writing
Thursday and Friday, November 17 and 18
  1. Do Now: Personal Log
  2. Then: Discuss outlining (t-shirt or powerpoint) and line writing (scene performance)
  3. Next: Set up Learning Log for The Tempest Act IV
  4. After: Continue viewing/reading The Tempest Act IV
  5. Review: Outlining/line writing