November 9, 2011

Biology (1,3,4,5, 6 and 7)- Mossman


Dear Students and parents,

I came down with a severe case of the stomach flu and have been slowly recovering.  I wish that I could be at school and am working at getting better.  I hope that all is going well at school.

Students:  You should be using your time to read and learn about Photosynthesis in chapter 8 section 8.1, 8.2 and 8.3.  Please use your time wisely and know that I expect you to be working on learning this material.  If you are having trouble, start making a list of questions you can ask me when I get back.

Parents and Students:  I am putting in progress report grades as of the grades I had for students on Friday 11/4/11.  There were many students who had to make up the chapter 7 exam due to low attendance after Halloween and many missing class for the ASVAB test.  If the progress report does not look good please have your student come and take care of any outstanding work and when that is accomplished I will print an updated progress report.

I hope to be back in good health soon and to be there to support you in the learning process.

Mrs. Mossman