MONDAY 9/12/11
1. Do Now
2. Interactive Quiz
3. Organize Learning log for Chapter 3 and all assignments listed: Due at the start of next class!
4. Exam on Chapter 3 Next class! STUDY!!
Honors Biology
1. Do Now
2. Interactive Quiz
3. Learning log and all assignments due at the start of class on Tuesday!
4. Exam on Chapter 3 on Tuesday!
5. Research Paper for Science Fair due on the 19th.
TUESDAY 9/13/11 and WEDNESDAY 9/14/11
Biology and Honors Biology
1. Learning Log and all assignments from chapter 3 due.
3. Start Chapter 4 work in class when finished with the exam.
THURSDAY 9/15/11 and FRIDAY 9/16/11
1. Do Now
2. 4.2 and 4.3 work packet
3. H.W. Biome Work sheet You can use the online book or you can use the whale text book you took home!
Honors Biology
1. Do Now
2. 4.2 and 4.3 work packet
3. H.W. Biome work. You can use the online book or the whale text book you took home.
4. Research Paper for Science Fair due on the 19th.