September 6, 2011

Biology (1,3,5honors, 6 and 7honors)- Mossman

Tuesday 9/6 and Wednesday 9/7

1.  Do Now
2.  Check the first three pages of mega packet
3.  Biological Pyramid reading and worksheet (both sides)
4.  Ciguatera Reading
5.  H.W. Any work you did not finish in class.
6.  ** Exam on Chapter 3 next week Tuesday and Wednesday!  Study!

1.  Do Now
2.  Check packet (must be done through 3.3, you do not have to have 3.4 done yet.)
3.  Science Fair Research due today:  Holding conferences during class.
4.  Class time to learn about biological pyramids, parasitic cowbird and ciguatera topics.
5.  Exam next week Tuesday! 

Thursday 9/8 and Friday 9/9

1.  Do now
2.  Interactive Reading on Cycles of matter from text  book.
3. Assign:  last page of mega packet on 3.4
4. HW  Study Quiz on Monday
5.  Exam on Chapter 3 next week Tuesday 9/13 and Wednesday 9/14

1.  Do Now
2.  Finish Mega Packet on Cycles of matter and chapter review
3.  Quiz on Monday
4.  Exam next Tuesday 9/13
5.  Science Fair Research paper due on 9/19  be working on this!