August 26, 2012

English Language Arts- Fisher (Periods 1, 3, 4 & 6)

Important: Independent Reading due THIS FRIDAY by 2:15.
Options for turning-in: Homework Bin, Box in the Office, Shared Via GoogleDocs
Monday, August 27                                                             
  1. Do Now: Quiz #4- clude/clus/claus, cognosc/gnosi, cord/cor/cardi, crat/cracy, cred, cyclo/cycl, deca  (Create Graphic Organizer)
  2. Then: Review Quiz #3
  3. After: Preview New Roots List #5: dict, dorm, duct/duc, endo, equi, fac/fact/fic/fect, fid/fide/feder (Click Here to Create Graphic Organizer Study Helper)
  4. Reminder: Independent Reading due Friday by 2:15
  • Finish Editing all 3 songs' lyrics by tomorrow/Wednesday (checked in class)
  • Continue Independent Reading (due Friday by 2:15)
Tuesday and Wednesday, August 28 and 29                      
  1. Do Now: Review Theme in Making a Fist (p. 664) or Spring and All (p. 665)
  2. Cornell Notes for Poetic Forms and brief review of punctuation pauses (p.670-673)
  3. Analyze: My City, Do Not Go Gentle into that Good Night and Tanka for imagery
  4. Analysis Workshop: Outlining the SIFTt Analysis
  • Finish SIFTt Analysis Outline for next class (written or typed)
  • Continue Independent Reading due Friday by 2:15
Thursday and Friday, August 30 and 31                             
  1. Do Now: What is the tone of the song you chose to analyze?
  2. Then: Comparing Tone and Mood (p. 700-701)
  3. After: Thesis statement and updating the outline
  4. Analysis Workshop: Developing a thesis, updating the outline