August 5, 2012

English Language Arts- Fisher (Periods 1, 3, 4 & 6)

Monday, August 6                                                                     
  1. Create graphic organizer for new Roots List #2: auto/aut, belli, bibl, bio, capit/capt, carn, caus/caut 
  2. Enrichment: Vocab Unit #1: Learning Definitions
  3. Login to Online Literature text and complete the assigned reading
  4. Reminder: Signed forms to Period 1 teachers!
Tuesday and Wednesday, August 7 and 8                              
  • Do Now: Object Writing
  • Review: 'Quarter 1 Goals and Expectations'
  • Begin Poetry Unit: The Big Question lesson 1
  • 'Does all communication serve a positive purpose?' discussion
  • Poetry Unit: The Big Question lesson 2
  • Independent Reading Sign-up Reminder
  1. Sign-up for Independent Reading
  2. Read independent reading assignment options
  3. Think about the big question: 'Does all communication serve a positive purpose?'
Thursday and Friday, August 9 and 10                                 
  • Do Now: Difference between 'good' and 'bad' poetry
  • Model Selection: 'The Poetic Interpretation of The Twist' and 'The Empty Dance Shoes'
  • Critical Thinking Questions (After Reading)
  • 'Good' poetry assignment
  1. Study for Roots Quiz #2 on Monday: (bring completed graphic organizer)
  2. Begin reading IR book
  3. Revise Object Poem (focus will be on using simile, metaphor, and personification in a lyric poem)
  4. Returned signed documents to 1st Period teacher!