May 13, 2012

Language Arts- Fisher (1, 5, 6 & 7)

Monday through Friday, May 14-18
  1. "It's what we DO that defines us...": Developing Character in Batman Begins, short stories and real life (Note to parents: please visit the Motion Picture Association of America for film rating information and guidelines)
  2. Final Exam preparation (Friday Only)
  • Final Portfolio (see checklist under 'important documents' on the right) due in-class on Friday
  • Late Work due Friday by 2:15 (Please note that any items required for the portfolio are due in-class with the portfolio.  Waiting until 2:15 to turn any portfolio element in will make the entire portfolio late)
Monday through Thursday, May 21-24
  1. Final Exam (portfolios are permitted and should be brought to school on the day of the exam)
  • Have fun!  You deserve it after a grueling sophomore year!
  • Congratulations to everyone who improved upon their HSA score, especially those who met or exceeded proficiency on the HSA!  All of your sophomore teachers are very proud of the progress you have made throughout the year!  You have been a very successful group and should be proud of yourselves for all that you have accomplished both in and out of school!