April 29, 2012

Language Arts- Fisher (Periods 1, 5, 6 & 7)

Monday, April 30
  1. Do Now: Quiz #29 ice, id/ide, ine, ion/sion/tion, ish, ism, lie/ly 
  2. Then: Short Story Test Review (These will be constructed response questions based on the story you read for the Short Story Test, A Problem by Anton Checkov)
  3. After: Reminder that the next draft of your Short Story is due in class, Thursday/Friday
  • Continue writing short story draft 1 (must by typed- due in class on Thursday/Friday)
Tuesday and Wednesday, May 1 and 2
  1. Do Now: A News Story (p.242-3 in green text) Q's 1-4
  2. Then: Writing Workshop
  3. After: HSA Final Attempt Preview (HSA Reading will be administered next week)
  • Continue writing next draft of Short Story- typed copy due next class
  • Reminder: Last day for late work will be May 18
  • Reminder: ALL STUDENTS NEED TO COMPLETE THE FOUR MAJOR ASSIGNMENTS FROM SOPHOMORE ENGLISH TO BE CONSIDERED FOR A PASSING GRADE IN THE CLASS! Click here to see them and/or see me outside of class to verify that yours are complete. 
Thursday and Friday, May 3 and 4
  1. Do Now: Review of Monday constructed responses
  2. Then: Editing Workshop
  3. Next: Revision Workshop
  4. After: HSA Final Attempt Preview (HSA Reading will be administered next week)
  • Continue making revisions to final draft due next week
  • Get a good night's sleep on Sunday so that you can ace the test!
  • Make up any late work by Friday, May 18