March 26, 2012

Language Arts- Fisher (Periods 1, 5, 6 & 7)

Tuesday and Wednesday, March 27 and 28
  1. Do Now: Quiz #23 trans, tri, ultra, under, un, uni, vice
  2. Then: Complete the two sentence starters from page 240 in the text on a sheet of paper (constructed response)
  3. After: Define Theme, Inference, Thoughtshot and Snapshot
  4. Next: Read background information about William Melvin Kelley and The Big Question (p. 240-1) 
  5. Then: Read A Visit to Grandmother by William Melvin Kelley (p.242)
  6. After: Review complete list of terms for test on Thursday/Friday (you may also study using the games in the online textbook)
Thursday and Friday, March 29 and 30
  1. Do Now: Short Story Terms Test
  2. Next: Writing About the Big Question (p.282)
  3. Then: Read There Will Come Soft Rains by Ray Bradbury (p. 283)
  4. After: Critical Thinking Questions (p. 292)
  5. Then: Making Inferences (p. 293)