February 22, 2012

Fisher- Language Arts (Periods 1, 5, 6 and 7)

Tuesday and Wednesday, February 21 and 22
  1. Review expectations and important dates for remainder of the quarter
  2. Student work time for the research paper due Thursday or Friday
  3. Individual meetings with students to distribute passes: pink passes to the library for editing on Thursday/Friday or green passes to Mr. Cerny in I-203 for extra help
  • Complete draft 1 of the research paper
  • Read 'This Week in Language Arts'
Thursday and Friday, February 23 and 24
  1. Students in Library- Editing and Revising
  2. Students in I-203- Extra help with Mr. Cerny, Mrs. Williams, Mr. Herendeen and Mr. Arendale
  • Begin draft 2 of the research paper
  • finish take-home Quiz #23
  • Enrichment: Vocabtest.com, Unit 13: Parts of Speech
Please remember that next Friday, March 2, is the last day to turn in any late work!