February 11, 2012

Fisher- Language Arts (Periods 1, 5, 6 & 7)

Monday, February 13
  1. Do Now: Quiz #21- ir, inter, intra, macro, mal, meta, mono
  2. Then: Grammar Review
  3. After: Reminder to bring hard-copy of Annotated Bibliography and Outline to class (please do not wait until class-time to print it)
  • Complete Annotated Bibliography with 10+ sources by class-time Thursday or Friday
Tuesday and Wednesday, February 14 and 15
  1. Do Now: Personal Log- What is a Works Cited?
  2. After: Creating the Works Cited page
  3. Then: Choosing the best sources from the Annotated Bibliography (need packet)
  4. Next: How to begin writing Draft 1 of the research paper
  5. Reminder: Independent Reading is due by Friday @ 2:15 (shared GoogleDoc by 11:59pm)
  • Independent Reading due by Friday @ 2:15 (shared GoogleDoc by 11:59pm)
  • Getting ahead: Begin writing Draft 1 of the research paper!
Thursday and Friday, February 16 and 17
  1. Do Now: Personal Log- What are my weekend plans?
  2. After: Open Q&A about drafting the research paper
  3. Then: Mini-lesson reminder about Parenthetical Documentation
  4. Next: Reminder about what is due with Draft 1(Complete research paper with parenthetical documentation, works cited and annotated bibliography)
  5. Remainder: Writing time for the research paper (this may be hand-written or typed if computers are available)