July 27, 2012

Language Arts- Fisher (1, 3, 4 and 6)

Welcome, sophomores!  You will find that the homework listed on the board in class is similar as what you see posted here each week, but NOT exactly the same.  The difference will be that additional information will usually be posted online in the form of videos, downloadable content, links to other websites and more!  Please look around the entire website to familiarize yourself with where certain information is located.  Your regular homework post will look like this:

Monday, July 30
  1. None
  • None
Tuesday and Wednesday, July 31 and August 1
  1. Review beginning of school paperwork and signatures
  2. Review Independent Reading expectations (click here for packet received in class)
  3. Review Weekly Roots List Requirements (click here for graphic organizer received in class)
  4. Review Goals and Expectations for the class
  5. Review Team Ho'olokahi Packet (click here to view/print)
  • Signed paperwork (yes, it's for a grade)
  • Complete roots graphic organizer for use in next class ('need help?  Check out the root word search engine at www.prefixsuffix.com)
  • Supplies needed for class: spiral bound or marble notebook, 3-ring binder, paper, pencil/pen, open mind and respectful demeanor
Thursday and Friday, August 2 and 3
  1. Icebreaker Do Now: In your journal, describe yourself with the following criteria: color, sport, object you'd like to be, favorite comic/anime/video game/cartoon character, reason why you come to school, what you expect to get from school, why is school difficult, why is school easy, your best friend is...because..., your worst enemy is...because..., your favorite class is/was (teacher and class), what's changed since you were a freshman
  2. Review Documents: House Packet (Period 1 only), Independent Reading, Syllabus, ID/PW sheet
  3. Check signed paperwork (Period 1 only)
  4. Setup computer access for Biology and Language Arts textbooks (need codes from class)
  5. Review Roots List #1: alli/alto/alter, am/amor, anni/annu/enni, anthrop, anti, arch, aud/aut
  6. "Is it a good poem/song? Why?" Writing Assignment (may need to be continued at home...) 
  7. Questions about Monday's Roots Quiz 1