April 28, 2013

English Language Arts- Fisher (Periods 1, 3, 4 & 6)

Monday, April 29
  1. Do Now: Create a chart in your journal like the one on p.327.
  2. Then: Listen to By the Waters of Babylon by Stephen Vincent Benet on p. 315
  3. During: Complete the chart
  4. After: Was the surprise ending effective?  Why or why not?  Does this make you want to use a similar kind of ending in your story?
  5. Time-permitting: Reviewing Flashback with Halo: Homecomming
  • Complete rough draft of short story for tomorrow's class
  • Come to school prepared to participate in the final round of HSA testing!
Tuesday and Wednesday, April 30 and May 1
  1. Do Now: HSA Round 3 (last opportunity)
  2. Then: Begin Quiz #29: ice, id/ide, lie/ly, ine, ion/sion/tion, ish, ism
Thursday and Friday, May 2 and 3
  1. Do Now: HSA Round 3 (last opportunity)
  2. Then: Finish Quiz #29: ice, id/ide, lie/ly, ine, ion/sion/tion, ish, ism
  3. Time-Permitting: Begin editing for short story elements
  • Complete revising for short story elements
  • Begin typing next draft of the short story (typed draft due for in-class editing on May 9-10)

Those who need to complete one or all of the four major activities in Sophomore English need to do so ASAP!  The activities are: SIFTt Analysis, Shakespeare/Drama Presentation, Informational Research Paper, Short Story.  Directions are available from the link at the top of the page ("4 Major English Requirements").

Independent Reading will be accepted until the last day for late work, May 17.  Those who turned-in on the early turn-in date of April 26 are guaranteed to get their work back in-time to revise for a higher score.